Senin, 22 Januari 2018

preposition dalam bahasa inggris

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Pernah dengar preposition? ya bagi yang sudah belajar Bahasa inggris tentu sering mendengar kata prepositions. Namun mungkin masih ada juga kawan-kawan kita yang belum tau apa yang dimaksud dengan preposition. Preposition adalah suatu kata yang digunakan untuk menyambungkan frasa, noun, atau pronoun terhadap kata lain di dalam kalimat. Contoh:

Saya belajar di kamar
kata di adalah preposition dari kalimat diatas

I study in my room
kaya in adalah preposition dari kalimat diatas

Nah sudah paham kan apa yang dimaksud dengan preposition berikut adalah daftar kata preposition yang sering digunakan:

  1. about
  2. above
  3. across
  4. after
  5. against
  6. along
  7. amid
  8. among
  9. around
  10. at
  11. before
  12. behind
  13. below
  14. beneath
  15. beside
  16. besides
  17. between
  18. beyond
  19. by
  20. despite
  21. down
  22. during
  23. for
  24. from
  25. in
  26. inside
  27. into
  28. like
  29. near
  30. of
  31. off
  32. on
  33. out
  34. over
  35. since
  36. through
  37. throughout
  38. till
  39. to
  40. toward(s)
  41. under
  42. unlike
  43. until
  44. up
  45. upon
  46. with
  47. within
  48. without

Perlu diingat penggunaan preposition tidak bisa sembarangan, karena penggunaanya harus sesuai dengan aturan dan konteks kalimatnya. Jadi dalam menggunakan preposition sendiri perlu berhati-hati kawan, karena ada juga penggunaan preposition yang memang mempunyai aturan tertentu dan salah jika menggunakan preposition yang lain. Dibawah ini adalah beberapa aturan preposition yang harus digunakan sesuai dengan aturannya:

  1. be absent from
  2. be accustomed to
  3. add (this) to (that)
  4. be acquainted with
  5. admire (someone) for (something)
  6. be afraid of
  7. agree with (someone) about (something)
  8. be angry at/ with (someone) about /  over (something)
  9. apologize to (someone) for (something)
  10. apply for (something)
  11. approve of
  12. argue with (someone) about  / over (something)
  13. arrive at (a building / a room)
  14. arrive in (a city / a country)
  15. ask (someone) about (something)
  16. ask (someone) for (something)
  17. be aware of
  18. be bad for
  19. believe in
  20. belong to
  21. be bored with / by
  22. borrow (something) from (someone)
  23. be clear to
  24. combine with
  25. compare (this) to / with (that)
  26. complain to (someone) about (something)
  27. be composed of
  28. concentrate on
  29. consist of
  30. be crazy about
  31. be crowded with
  32. be curious about
  33. depend on (someone) for (something)
  34. be dependent on (someone) for (something)
  35. be devoted to
  36. die of  / from
  37. be different from
  38. disagree with (someone) about (something)
  39. be disappointed in
  40. discuss (something) with (someone)
  41. divide (this) into (that)
  42. be divorced from
  43. be done with
  44. dream about /of
  45. dream of
  46. be engaged to
  47. be equal to
  48. escape from (a place)
  49. be excited about
  50. excuse (someone) for (something)
  51. excuse from
  52. be exhausted from
  53. be familiar with
  54. be famous for
  55. feel about
  56. feel like
  57. fill (something) with
  58. be finished with
  59. forgive (someone) for (something)
  60. be friendly to / with
  61. be frightened of / by
  62. be full of
  63. get rid of
  64. be gone h m
  65. be good for
  66. graduate from
  67. happen to
  68. be happy about (something)
  69. be happy for (someone)
  70. hear about / of (something) from (someone)
  71. help (someone) with (something)
  72. hide (something) from (someone)
  73. hope for
  74. be hungry for
  75. insist on
  76. be interested in
  77. introduce (someone) to (someone)
  78. invite (someone) to (someone)
  79. be involved in
  80. be kind to
  81. know about
  82. laugh at
  83. leave for (a place)
  84. listen to
  85. look at
  86. look for
  87. look forward to
  88. look like
  89. be made of
  90. be married to
  91. matter to
  92. be the matter with
  93. multiply (this) by (that)
  94. be nervous about
  95. be nice to
  96. be opposed to
  97. pay for
  98. be patient with
  99. be pleased with / about
  100. play with
  101. point at
  102. be polite to
  103. prefer (this) to (that)
  104. be prepared for
  105. protect (this) from (that)
  106. provide (someone) with
  107. be proud of
  108. be qualified for
  109. read about
  110. be ready for
  111. be related to
  112. rely on
  113. be responsible for
  114. be sad about
  115. be satisfied with
  116. be scared of / by
  117. search for
  118. separate (this) from (that)
  119. be similar to
  120. speak to / with (someone) about (something)
  121. stare at
  122. subtract (this) from (that)
  123. be sure of / about
  124. take care of
  125. talk about (something)
  126. talk to / with (someone) about (something)
  127. tell (someone) about (something)
  128. be terrified of / by
  129. thank (someone) for (something)
  130. think about / of
  131. be thirsty for
  132. be tired from
  133. be tired of
  134. translate from (one language) to (another)
  135. be used to
  136. wait for
  137. wait on
  138. warn about / of
  139. wonder about
  140. be worried about

Baik kita ambil saja salah satu menjadi contoh. Silahkan perhatikan no 76. be interested in. Jadi seandainya kawan-kawan membuat kalimat

I'm interested on grammar  maka kalimat tersebut salah, hal ini dikarenakan pasangan interested adalah in sesuai dengan daftar diatas. Maka seharusnya kalimatnya adalah.

I'm interested in grammar

Oleh karena itu saya sarankan kepada teman-teman untuk memperbanyak membaca bacaan Bahasa inggris, agar nanti teman-teman akan menemukan sendiri sense terhadap penggunaan preposition yang tepat. Atau kalau mau juga boleh dihafal.

Sedangkan kalau dilihat dari jenisnya, preposition ini dapat kita bagi ke 5 bagian diantaranya:

1. Preposition tempat
Biasanya sering menggunakan on, in, dan at.
Preposition on umumnya digunakan untuk permukaan, seperti diatas atap, meja, dll
Preposition In  umumnya digunakan untuk ruang lingkup tertutup misal kamar.
Preposition at umumnya digunakan saat menunjukkan tempat yang spesifik

Andi put the book on the table.
Ana is studying math in her room.
I met Sarah at the entrance.

2. Preposition waktu
Menjelaskan waktu misalnya; on Sunday, in June, at night dll.
Untuk preposition waktu ini penjelasannya sedikit panjang, jadi saya sudah membuat artikel khususnya, silahkan lihat disini.

3. Preposition arah
Preposition yang menunjukkan arah atau direction seperti, to, toward, into dll
Andi goes to market everyday.
Sarah dived into a river.

4. Preposition penggunaan benda
Preposition yang menunjukkan penggunakan sesuatu atau benda
Rina write the letter with her pencils.
I go to school by a motorcycle.

5. Preposition kalimat pasif
Digunakan untuk menyatakan agent dalam kalimat pasif
The car was washed by Andi
Selengkapnya silahkan pelajari kalimat pasif disini.

Itulah penjelasan singkat mengenai penggunaan preposition dalam bahasa inggis, selamat belajar.

Mas Agus

About Mas Agus

Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.

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